Source code for graphslam.edge.edge_odometry

# Copyright (c) 2020 Jeff Irion and contributors

r"""A class for odometry edges.


import numpy as np

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    plt = None

from .base_edge import BaseEdge

from ..pose.r2 import PoseR2
from ..pose.se2 import PoseSE2
from ..pose.r3 import PoseR3
from ..pose.se3 import PoseSE3
from ..util import upper_triangular_matrix_to_full_matrix

[docs] class EdgeOdometry(BaseEdge): r"""A class for representing odometry edges in Graph SLAM. Parameters ---------- vertex_ids : list[int] The IDs of all vertices constrained by this edge information : np.ndarray The information matrix :math:`\Omega_j` associated with the edge estimate : BasePose The expected measurement :math:`\mathbf{z}_j` vertices : list[graphslam.vertex.Vertex], None A list of the vertices constrained by the edge Attributes ---------- estimate : BasePose The expected measurement :math:`\mathbf{z}_j` information : np.ndarray The information matrix :math:`\Omega_j` associated with the edge vertex_ids : list[int] The IDs of all vertices constrained by this edge vertices : list[graphslam.vertex.Vertex], None A list of the vertices constrained by the edge """
[docs] def is_valid(self): """Check that the edge is valid. Returns ------- bool Whether the edge is valid """ # This will make sure that `len(self.vertices) == len(self.vertex_ids)` if not self._is_valid() or len(self.vertices) != 2: return False # The poses and the estimate must all be the same type pose_type = type(self.vertices[0].pose) if not isinstance(self.vertices[1].pose, pose_type) or not isinstance(self.estimate, pose_type): return False # The information matrix must be the correct size n = pose_type.COMPACT_DIMENSIONALITY return self.information.shape == (n, n)
[docs] def calc_error(self): r"""Calculate the error for the edge: :math:`\mathbf{e}_j \in \mathbb{R}^\bullet`. .. math:: \mathbf{e}_j = \mathbf{z}_j - (p_2 \ominus p_1) Returns ------- np.ndarray The error for the edge """ return (self.estimate - (self.vertices[1].pose - self.vertices[0].pose)).to_compact()
[docs] def calc_jacobians(self): r"""Calculate the Jacobian of the edge's error with respect to each constrained pose. .. math:: \frac{\partial}{\partial \Delta \mathbf{x}^k} \left[ \mathbf{e}_j(\mathbf{x}^k \boxplus \Delta \mathbf{x}^k) \right] Returns ------- list[np.ndarray] The Jacobian matrices for the edge with respect to each constrained pose """ # fmt: off return [[1].pose - self.vertices[0].pose), self.vertices[1].pose.jacobian_self_ominus_other_wrt_other(self.vertices[0].pose)), self.vertices[0].pose.jacobian_boxplus()),[1].pose - self.vertices[0].pose), self.vertices[1].pose.jacobian_self_ominus_other_wrt_self(self.vertices[0].pose)), self.vertices[1].pose.jacobian_boxplus())]
# fmt: on
[docs] def to_g2o(self): """Export the edge to the .g2o format. Returns ------- str The edge in .g2o format """ # fmt: off if isinstance(self.vertices[0].pose, PoseSE2): return "EDGE_SE2 {} {} {} {} {} ".format(self.vertex_ids[0], self.vertex_ids[1], self.estimate[0], self.estimate[1], self.estimate[2]) + " ".join([str(x) for x in self.information[np.triu_indices(3, 0)]]) + "\n" if isinstance(self.vertices[0].pose, PoseSE3): return "EDGE_SE3:QUAT {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} ".format(self.vertex_ids[0], self.vertex_ids[1], self.estimate[0], self.estimate[1], self.estimate[2], self.estimate[3], self.estimate[4], self.estimate[5], self.estimate[6]) + " ".join([str(x) for x in self.information[np.triu_indices(6, 0)]]) + "\n" # fmt: on raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def from_g2o(cls, line, g2o_params_or_none=None): """Load an edge from a line in a .g2o file. Parameters ---------- line : str The line from the .g2o file g2o_params_or_none : dict, None A dictionary where the values are `graphslam.g2o_parameters.BaseG2OParameters` objects, or ``None`` if there are no such parameters Returns ------- EdgeOdometry, None The instantiated edge object, or ``None`` if ``line`` does not correspond to an odometry edge """ if line.startswith("EDGE_SE2 "): numbers = line[len("EDGE_SE2 "):].split() # fmt: skip arr = np.array([float(number) for number in numbers[2:]], dtype=np.float64) vertex_ids = [int(numbers[0]), int(numbers[1])] estimate = PoseSE2(arr[:2], arr[2]) information = upper_triangular_matrix_to_full_matrix(arr[3:], 3) return EdgeOdometry(vertex_ids, information, estimate) if line.startswith("EDGE_SE3:QUAT "): numbers = line[len("EDGE_SE3:QUAT "):].split() # fmt: skip arr = np.array([float(number) for number in numbers[2:]], dtype=np.float64) vertex_ids = [int(numbers[0]), int(numbers[1])] estimate = PoseSE3(arr[:3], arr[3:7]) estimate.normalize() information = upper_triangular_matrix_to_full_matrix(arr[7:], 6) return EdgeOdometry(vertex_ids, information, estimate) return None
[docs] def plot(self, color="b"): """Plot the edge. Parameters ---------- color : str The color that will be used to plot the edge """ if plt is None: # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError if isinstance(self.vertices[0].pose, (PoseR2, PoseSE2)): xy = np.array([v.pose.position for v in self.vertices]) plt.plot(xy[:, 0], xy[:, 1], color=color) elif isinstance(self.vertices[0].pose, (PoseR3, PoseSE3)): xyz = np.array([v.pose.position for v in self.vertices]) plt.plot(xyz[:, 0], xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 2], color=color) else: raise NotImplementedError